history This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. =====USRP Calibration Procedure===== To calibrate the USRP, follow the steps provided below. In the "USRP" tab: * Check the "Conducted connection" box; * Define the corresponding values in the "**USRP Cal Facrotor, dB**" and "**Attenuator, dB**" fields, set "**Cable Length, m**" to **0**, and then select the required "Spoofing Mode;" {{:gp_simulator:gp-simulator_usrp_calibration.png?600|}} \\ * Connect RF port of the USRP to the spectrum analyzer or RF power meter. When using the spectrum analyzer, we recommend set **CF** to **1575.42 MHz**, **bandwidth** to **10 MHz**, and switching on the power measurement mode; * Set "**DUT input power, dBm**" to "**-20 dBm**" respectively; * Click on the "Start Scenario" button to finish; {{:gp_simulator:gp-simulator_usrp_start_calibration.png?600|}} \\ * Measure RMS Power of the generated signal; * Calculate: USRP Cal Factor, dB = Dut Input Power, dBm - Power in Band, dBm. \\ <WRAP left round info 60%> The measured power in the bandwidth should be within the "-45 dBm" range. </WRAP> \\ \\ \\